During the Spring 1997 term, I worked with Eunice Yi on an an html-based tutorial to guide high school physics students toward the solution of a real-world engineering problem: placing a satellite in geostationary orbit. Here's what actually got done:
Project Proposal - This is the latest, most complete description of our cognitive goal and how we intend to reach it using technology. Unfortunately, it's pretty dated. There are also some links to relevant web sites.
Evaluation Plan - This is a description of how we intended to evaluate Sputnik.
- Here's what we actually got running.
Comments on Our Project - We had many people evaluate the project during the term. Check out what they had to say.
Project Plan - This is an older description of the project (2 pgs.).
Chris's Project Topic - This was my original project topic.
Please e-mail comments regarding this web site to: schmed@transpac.com.
© 1997, Chris Schneider. All Rights Reserved World Wide.
Last updated 15 October 1997