California Thirteeners List
Vulgarian Ramblers
Summer 2000 Tour

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The 2000 tour had two major segments, both focusing on the high California Thirteeners, as Schmed eventually wants them all, and Foo’ball was closing in on his U.S. Hundred Highest.

Shepherds Pass Marathon

The first segment was a 10 day marathon through the northeast corner of Sequoia NP via Shepherds Pass, including climbs of Polychrome, Trojan, Barnard, UTM829540, Versteeg, UTM794568, Caltech, UTM769620 (doesn’t count), UTM777615 (doesn’t count), Junction, Stanford, UTM783617 (doesn’t count), and Keith. Foo’ball, Schmed, and Leslie Stenger did the whole trip, while Ken, Muff, and the Dusker joined us for an enjoyable night at Lake Helen of Troy after bagging Polychrome and Tyndall. The only real downer was returning to find Leslie’s car rudely violated by a bear.

Whitney & Russell

The second segment was a slightly more sane 6 day affair in the Mt. Whitney area, including climbs of Carillon (doesn’t count), Cleaver, Russell, UTM838501, and Whitney. We also climbed all of the Aiguilles, Needles, etc. between Whitney and Muir (none of which count). Unfortunately, we determined via (admittedly error prone) altimeter readings that Mt. Muir probably doesn’t have a sufficiently deep col to count either (276 feet?) Schmed is heartbroken and wants to return with a transit to make a final determination. Foo’ball, Schmed, and Jim Wahl did the whole trip, while Kathy Day joined us for the Carillon/Cleaver day.