With Mirth and Laughter
Let Old Wrinkles Come
(Warning - This document contains dated information.)
Ken, Muss, Tayls and I hosted a 40th birthday party at Sorensens Resort south of Lake Tahoe. Unlike our 30th (snow camping at 12,000 feet), there were tons of kids this time. We fished, hiked, mountain biked, and played the Great Dalmuti for three nights - tons of fun!
After the Sorensens event, Ken, Tayls, Jeff, Jordan, Randu, Puppy, and I drove down to Bishop on the east side of the High Sierra and hiked into the Humphreys basin for the beginning of the Vulgarian Ramblers Tour 2001. Over the next three weeks, I climbed 7 new Thirteeners with Foo'ball and others. There are some great pictures from the tour on the Vulgarian Ramblers site.
Randu, Jono, Muss, Ken, Tayls, Schmed, and Dave celebrate turning 40.
There was a fish pond at the resort for the kids. Jeff eyes his catch as Moby fiddles with his line.
Linda Brinsfield was a big hit with her face-painting kit. Alexander, Claire, and Lauren show off her work.
The catering on Saturday night was fantastic. Here Scot models delicious corn on the cob.
Cole and Lauren seem to be enjoying their dessert.
Jeff Muss and his professional marshmallow gear.
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Last updated 19 March 2002