Schmed Takes a Sabbatical

(Warning - This document contains dated information.)

(Click left/right sides of image to see other views.)

I took a sabbatical from software development for 2009, which meant doing a lot of hobby (i.e., unpaid) software development and other projects of dubious merit. I also took a break from teaching for the 2009-2010 school year. I was trying to find out what semi-retirement might be like, and the answer is “busy.” I quickly developed an approach that worked well for me, though:

I got up each day and worked on the project I really felt like attacking that day, irrespective of which was more pressing, how much of my life I’d already wasted on each, etc. Most importantly, whatever I was doing, I tried to do the kind of job I would have done in the absence of a deadline or a need to work on something else. I worked hard every day, and I enjoyed every minute. The experience gave me confidence that a move toward “retirement” is unlikely to leave me bored and adrift.

Here are some examples of my sabbatical projects:

  • I literally spent weeks painting my mailbox (can you identify the constellations?)
  • I re-grouted my kitchen counters.
  • I spent a lot of time writing PHP and JavaScript for my California Thirteeners site, which now includes interactive Google Earth maps!
  • I reorganized my garage (though Cindy still has stuff in there that’s bugging me, including a toilet).
  • I banished rats from my attic and ants from my kitchen.
  • I patched some knot holes that had pushed through our hardwood floors during our first year here.
  • (I didn’t actually spend any time on this page until my sabbatical had been over for nine months!)

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Last updated 7 September 2015